3.10 Wim Hof, Cold Exposure and Mewing
This is Chapter 3.10 of the JawHacks ebook. See the full Table of Contents here.
Wim Hof Breathing as a Mewing Catalyst
Any radical breathing practice is also a Mewing practice. That’s because mindfulness of breathing—specifically nasal breathing—is integral to Mewing.
Cold exposure forces Wim Hof breathing, which basically amounts to taking 30 deep breaths with shallow exhales, then holding the last breath. Through a complex biochemical mechanism that is beyond the scope of this book, Wim Hof breathing allows the body to endure cold exposure with relative ease.

Ignore Wim Hof - Breathe Through Your Nose Only
I have heard Wim Hof himself say that it doesn’t matter whether the 30 breaths are through your nose or your mouth. I disagree, and consider this a cope.
I suspect the intention here is to make the practice accessible to the overwhelming majority of Westerners who struggle to nose breathe.
But as JawHackers, we do not want to be clumped in with normie mouth breathers. We want to be exceptional, training ourselves to nose breathe especially when it is difficult, such as when running, lifting and doing Wim Hof Breathing.
Pushing ourselves in this way is what makes nasal breathing so easy and habitual in everyday life. Doing just one round per day of nasal Wim Hof Breathing prior to deliberate cold exposure is an incredible way to achieve this.