Below is a lightly edited transcript from the second half of the talk by Dr. Zubad Newaz, DDS at MewCon 2024 on August 17. All images shown below are from Dr. Newaz’s MewCon 2024 slideshow.
The Rise of Custom MARPE
All the patients shown so far have been treated with what we now view as perhaps a more primitive form of an expander device [in reference to MSE type 2, see previous week’s post]. They have worked well for younger people and females.
But now…we didn't used to be able to look at somebody in the face, if you're a 40 year old male, you come to the office, you're seeking skeletal expansion. I couldn't really look at somebody straight in the eye and say “we will be able to expand your palate.”
But with the advent of custom MARPE, where we can superimpose surface data with a 3D scan and be able to identify which parts of the bone and where exactly and how we want to place the expander’s anchorage. It was game changer.
And this was also a game changer because now I'm not stuck with a particular predetermined orientation of a pre-fabricated expander.